Become a Sponsor for the
Lowell Pride Festival!
The Lowell Pride Festival wouldn't be possible without your support. Check out the different sponsor packages we have available for this year and choose the level that works best for you! Please keep in mind that all sponsor levels are given a 10ft x 10ft vendor space as part of their package, but tables and tents are not included.
Thank you so much for your support! We look forward to working with you!



Premium vendor space location at the Lowell Pride Festival
Recognition on Lowell Pride's social media
Company logo displayed at the Lowell Pride Festival
Company logo displayed on Lowell Pride's website
Shoutout at the festival made by our main stage emcee
Vendor space at the Lowell Pride Festival
Recognition on Lowell Pride's social media
Company logo displayed at the Lowell Pride Festival
Vendor space at the Lowell Pride Festival
Recognition on Lowell Pride's social media
Please complete this form to apply to become a sponsor for the 2024 Lowell Pride Festival in Lowell, Michigan on Saturday, June 1st.
As a reminder, the levels for the 2024 Lowell Pride Festival are as follows:
Platinum - $500
Gold - $250
Rose - $125
All sponsor levels are given a vendor space at the Pride Festival - tables and tents are not included. If you would prefer to not have a space, please let us know using the "other comments" box in the form to your right.
We are open to considering a corporate sponsor as well. If this is something that interests you, please send us an email at info@lowellpride.org.
Thank you so much for your support - this wouldn't be possible with you!